Konstantin Läufer

Welcome! Willkumme zäme! ¡Bienvenidos/as! Benvenuti/e!
How to pronounce (IPA): ˈkɔnstantiːn ˈlɔʏfɐ
Pronouns: he/él/er/lui
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Dept. of Computer Science
Loyola University Chicago
1032 W Sheridan Rd
Chicago, Illinois 60660

Brief bio

I am a professor of computer science at Loyola University Chicago. I majored in physics at the University of Konstanz, Germany, and attended Rutgers University, New Jersey, as an exchange student. Prior to joining Loyola in 1992, I earned a PhD in computer science from the Courant Institute at New York University under the supervision of Benjamin F. Goldberg and Martin Odersky.

My research and teaching interests include programming languages, software architecture, distributed and pervasive computing systems, and data engineering, as well as applications in environmental sustainability and other areas of social justice. I’m affiliated with the Software and Systems Laboratory (SSL), an environment for computer systems and applied software engineering research. My research has been funded by government agencies and corporations. I’m a co-inventor on two patents owned by Lucent Technologies, where I was a research consultant (1996-2000).

I also served in various administrative roles, including assistant chair (1998-2001), associate dean of the graduate school (2005-06), department chair (2012-2018), and graduate program director (2019-20).


Music (saxophone), trail running (non-ultra), strength training, soccer, day hiking, nordic skiing, sailing, traveling (especially scenic driving on unpaved backroads leading to remote trailheads and campsites), current affairs, movies.


“I bet you, if you totaled your Instagram scroll time, you could write a book in a year.”

“Talking about the thing isn’t doing the thing, planning to do the thing isn’t doing the thing, buying all of the products to be able to do the thing isn’t doing the thing, like, you’ve got to eventually do the thing.”

Human languages

eng (C2+)/spa (C1)/deu (C2+)/gsw (heritage learner, B2?)/ita (B1)/fra (A2-)

Selected publications

  1. Managing Concurrency in Mobile User Interfaces with Examples in Android
    Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
    In Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Sep 2018
  2. UnoAPI: Balancing Performance, Portability, and Productivity (P3) in HPC Education
    Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
    In Proceedings of the Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing (EduHPC-22), Nov 2022
    Held in conjunction with SC22
  3. Tests as Maintainable Assets via Auto-Generated Spies: A Case Study Involving the Scala Collections Library’s Iterator Trait
    Konstantin Läufer, John O’Sullivan, and George K. Thiruvathukal
    In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Scala (Scala ’19), Jul 2019
  4. ASE
    Snapshot Metrics Are Not Enough: Analyzing Software Repositories with Longitudinal Metrics (Tool Demonstration)
    Nicholas Synovic, Matt Hyatt, Rohan Sethi, and 11 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE ’23), Oct 2022
  5. Engaging More Students in Formal Methods Education: A Practical Approach Using Temporal Logic of Actions
    Konstantin Läufer, Gunda Mertin, and George K. Thiruvathukal
    Computer, Dec 2024
  6. On the Interaction of Object-Oriented Design Patterns and Programming Languages
    Gerald Baumgartner, Konstantin Läufer, and Vincent F. Russo
    Feb 1996
    Technical Report