Current and recent courses taught.
Spring 2025
- COMP 141: Introduction to Computing Tools and Techniques
- Thu 16:15-17:30 online
- Sakai site
- Course description
- COMP 335/488-335: Formal Methods in Software Engineering
- Tue 16:15-18:45 LSC
- Sakai site
- Course website
- Office hour:
- Tue 19:00-19:30 (after class - no appointment required)
- Wed/Fri 14:00-15:45 (please use Calendly to make an appointment)
Fall 2024
- COMP 371/471: Theory (and Practice) of Programming Languages
- Tue 16:15-18:45 LSC
- Sakai site
- Syllabus
- COMP 373/473: Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
- Thu 16:15-18:45 LSC
- Sakai site
- Syllabus
Code examples
Recent courses
- COMP 271: Data Structures I
- COMP 313/413: Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming
- COMP 370/470: Software Quality
Please see my CV for a list of all courses developed and/or taught.